

Annual Conference 2021

Here is the Annual Conference Photo of 2021. SISPAB Foundation was founded in 2019. Here in this coderence SISPAB Founders Firoj Mahmud , Mohammad. Moin Uddin, Md. Zayedur Rahman, Sami UlWasheq,  were attended the conference. The meeting was very important to make conect between SISPAB members.

Annual Conference 2022

Here is the Annual Conference Photo of 2022. The Annul Conference was a very important meeting for every SISPAB member. Including President, Vice President almost everyone were presented and Very important discurssion took place in the confarence

Annual Conference 2023

This Annul Conference was the last confrence till now. There are many rules which is changing continiously . The Annul Conference is the place where we do have discretion about the changed rules. That 2023 Annual Conference was also very meaningful as usual.

Road Show

বিশ্ব টেলিযোগাযোগ ও তথ্য সংঘ দিবসে আমরা স্বল্পোন্নত দেশগুলোয় টেকসই উন্নয়ন এগিয়ে নিতে প্রযুক্তির ক্ষমতার ওপর আলোকপাত করছি। এই রোড শো তে  SISPAB অংশ নেয় ।

CCB Meeting

Meeting Of SISPAB

Here are a photo of SISPAB meeting . There are many meeting is organized by SISPAB for many reason.

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